District Brewing Co.
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District Brewing Company is a small, Regina-based, manufacturer of premium beer. We produce a diverse variety of style that cover all tastes.
Our slogan, “Find Your Craft” is a play on words that, on the one-hand, invites you to discover craft beer and find a brand you like, instead of consuming mass-produced mainstream beer. It also refers to the joy and revelation of discovering one's own craft in life. We found our craft: brewing, delicious beer. We invite everyone to take the time to enjoy the journey of exploring your abilities and to discover your own craft. Celebrate your individuality.
We make all of our beer from just four ingredients. Malt, Hops, Water and Yeast. No preservatives added!
We are focused on showcasing quality ingredients, brewing technique and patience. We age our beer for a long, cold month to ensure the smoothest character. No shortcuts! We are constantly experimenting with new, as well as tried and true techniques, to master our craft and produce amazingly fresh and palatable beer.
Our brewer Jay Cooke traveled the globe tasting beer across Europe, Asia Australia and the Americas. He completed his brewing eduction at the Siebel Institute. Following graduation Jay brewed for several Microbreweries in North America developing his talent and winning awards for his recipes along the way.Our Location
We’re located in the heart of the Warehouse District in Regina, Saskatchewan. We love visitors, so feel free to stop by and speak with our passionate staff while at the same time grabbing a fresh brew to take home!
If you’ve ever wondered how beer is made or if you just want to check out our brewery in Regina, give us a shout and we'd be happy to show you around!